
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Want that EXTRA Edge?

Want that EXTRA Edge?

The One That GIVES It On A Silver Platter? Press PLAY to see!

DONE FOR YOU:  Up To Date Marketing News Desk Dashboard At Your Fingertips!

Webinars: The NEXT Generation Gold News Desk
Hey there, Barbara Ling, Authority Marketing innovator here.  Thank you so much for investing in the Webinars: The Next Generation blueprint – you’re now well on your way to making money with webinars!
And right now you’re probably asking yourself, “Jeepers Barb, what would make this even… BETTER?”
How about ALWAYS being the first with Breaking Marketing News to Build Your Authority?
Make no mistake about it – being the FIRST to know and share up-to-the-minute marketing news (Facebook, Social, SEO, etc.) will build your authority and expertise online.
For example, consider this breaking news posting of mine:

or this status update:
Talk about engaging your audience!
I’ve been posting now about lots of marketing trends for several weeks, simply to get my name associated with my network regarding always being the first.
You see, I have a secret source, a powerful dashboard, if you like.  As a matter of fact, it’s something that I have never ever ever before released!
It constantly delivers to me the freshest news about Marketing Online so whenever I want to engage my audience, I do not have to research anything – it’s all at my fingertips.
Ready for me to use.
Wouldn’t it be great if you had the same upper hand?
I mean, what if you could log into your own personal Marketing News Dashboard and see things like:
Everything Marketing related…. instantly at your fingertips waiting for you to share, discuss, blog about, build your authority and much much more.
But not only news items!
What if you could also get inspired by what consumers are ALREADY buying regarding marketing?
Or what the very latest video marketing news is?
and not just solely “marketing….”
Facebook, Social and SEO too!
Think how easy having this secret dashboard at your fingertips would make YOU becoming THE Go-To Marketing Authority!
Think about it.
Really think about it.
What if every day you want to engage and interact or create:
  • A Facebook discussion
  • An SEO blog post
  • A podcast about Social Marketing
  • A marketing forum article
  • An ezine article about webinars
  • etc.etc.
Well then… you’re going to love what you’re about to see!
Introducing The Marketing Breaking News Newsdesk!
This is what I wake up to *every single day*.  It’s my Marketing Authority Command Center.  I *never* have to wonder what my readers would love to read about… I *know*.

Think of how smart you’ll appear to your network when you’re ALWAYS the first to break the latest Marketing news.

Marketing is a Multi Billion Dollar Industry and serious marketers NEED that critical edge of always being the FIRST to know.  After all, when you’re the first, you build up credible authority… and people turn to you when they want to know the latest about how to be profitable online.

Now imagine always having that information at your fingertips.
And that, in a nutshell, is exactly what you’re going to get.
100s of done-for-you ideas regarding marketing – ideas you can run with and create profitable:
  • Authority articles
  • Videos
  • Podcasts
  • News updates
  • Facebook discussions
  • GooglePlus communities
  • MORE!
You’ll Always Have 100s of Highly Compelling Content Ideas And NEVER Be At A Loss Again!
The amount of inspiration you’ll be receiving is, well, *staggering*.  
And right now I’ll bet you’re thinking to yourself….

“Okay Barbara, how much?”

How much would having all all of these content ideas at your fingertips be worth to you?
We’re talking 100s of ideas done for you and gathered in one easy place so you can simply scan them and immediately think of brilliant ideas for your content.
Just image….
NEVER EVER EVER be at a loss for content ideas again!
The amount of time this saves and the amount of inspiration it gives…. $97 would be a VERY reasonable price indeed.
But it’s not going to be that at all.
You see, being an authority in your niche is something you should be able to achieve easily and effectively.  
Every aspiring expert and content creator out there deserves this opportunity!
I didn’t pull this Marketing Breaking News Desk together for marketers who are already pulling down 7 figures online… I wanted to give *everyone* a chance at making it big.
People like *you*.
So for a limited time only, you can invest in this powerful done-for-you Marketing content generator for:
Not $77
Not $57
But only
for each month (and you can cancel at any time!).
$17 to NEVER have to worry about content creation ideas again.  So….
Think about this now for a second
For ‘way less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day, you’ll receive the energizing fabulous breaking-news content ideas…. your community will flock to you to learn.
Never again will you be stuck with wondering what to write about or build your authority with!  It will be at your fingertips, day after day, week after week, month after month.
Constant, new fresh profitable ideas…waiting for you to take advantage of them!
How much is YOUR time worth?  Imagine how much easier becoming a marketing authority will be…. because of the secret weapon you have that gives you that critical insiders edge.
Don’t wait a minute longer – this is the key you’ve been searching for to finally gain the authority you deserve.
Webinars: The NEXT Generation Gold News Desk
This price can increase at *any* time….so lock it in today! Imagine never having to worry about what to write about next….it will ALWAYS be at your fingertips.
The instant you invest in this Marketing Breaking News Desk – you’ll be giving yourself *the* expert edge.
Trust your gut on this and subscribe today.  

The quality you’ll receive and the time you’ll save and the authority you’ll be growing….It’s Gold.

Gold.  Sheer….Gold.
Grow strong,
Barbara Ling

PS – Sure, you could ignore this opportunity but where would you be then?  Still at a loss for content creation, still at the same place you are now.  This powerful Marketing News Desk delivers to you *instantly* the very best of current content creation ideas….take advantage of this today.
Webinars: The NEXT Generation Gold News Desk

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