
Monday, September 15, 2014

Powerful blueprint that shows you how to become THE expert of choice in your niche

Powerful blueprint that shows you how to become THE expert of choice in your niche, gain more sales and more!

if you could pick a niche…ANY Niche…and become an Expert in just 30 Days…
...Imaginepeople looking up to you for answers…

…Imaginethe credibility, the trust…and the and yes, the additional income and sales you’d have…
…Imaginenow…that you can do that, starting today…using an astonishingly FREE tool…

Hi, Barbara Ling here!

And what I’ve described is, indeed possible…
In fact, easier than you can imagine.
How do I know?
Because I, and my students, have done it over and over again….
“Barb’s helped me a great deal get better known in the copywriting niche with her authority-building tactics…” – Norma Rickman, multi-award winning copywriter
...and even other recognized experts have acclaimed this product…
…absolutely amazing… you make it so very sipmle for someone to position themselves in their niche FAST… I’ve been in the business for years – positioning as the #1 expert in my niche, and I’ve always done it the HARD way… I wish all my clients could read your incredible guide!” — Sean Mize, Veteran Internet Marketer

I’ve been a marketer online for 18 years and have been quoted in leading media including Forbes, eCommerce Times and the Wall Street Journal.  
What I’m handing you today is one of the simplest blueprints to master of expertise ever SEEN….
With it, you’ll be able to discover hidden, valuable and FREE resources within your niche….
…free eBooks…
…free spreadsheets…
…free communities….
…free graphics and images….
As well as niche tutorials for *anything*…
I’ll show you how to be the first with the answers your niche seeks…
… building authority and expertise… and customers and clients….
All by showing you how to master one very powerful (and underestimated tool)!


You will find in your copy of Covert Niche Authority the exact steps you can use today to making yourself into an expert in an ethical way that helps you sell more products and get more happy satisfied customers.

You the buyer will have all your questions answered regarding how to make Google show you all of its secrets. Not only that, but I also provide you with screenshots and step by step details for mastering powerful strategies that let YOU:

✔ Zero in on specific documents (cutting through the chase)

✔ XRay a coveted site (resulting in hidden documents not easily found)

✔ Uncover free ebooks (even directories of free ebooks)

✔ Reveal free mind maps of any interest (you can use for your own learning)

✔ Spy in the hidden .edu sites (thus uncovering free resources your customers would pay big to learn)
Covert Niche Authority is applicable to EVERYTHING you do online… not only marketing!  Imagine yourself being able to do the following:

✔ Fix any infected computer (simple search flings all the relevant tutorials to you)

✔ Grab little-known product, ebook, spreadsheet and more templates (you can make your OWN products from these)

✔ Pluck critical tutorials from the Internet (imagine being able to point your audience *exactly* to where they want to learn)

✔ Uncover ALL the hidden free eBooks you can eat (Every. Single. One. Of. Them)

✔ Reveal XLS spread sheets no other authority realizes exist (making YOU the first person to reveal them!)
Covert Niche Authority shows you exactly how to grab the below for free:

✔ Discover thousands of niche Powerpoints (superb for product inspiration!)

✔ Zero in on Microsoft Word and Open Office templates (you can customize for your fanbase)

✔ Pluck out scalable Vector Graphics (again, massive inspiration)

✔ Uncover niche targeted XML feeds (think.. sitemaps, merchandising and product promotions)

✔ Find out the most engaged Facebook Fanpages (no need to purchase any software)
 Obtain the listings of every local niche business within two area codes (no need for foursquare)

 Much much more
You’ll discover the SAME secrets you now end up paying to learn…and far faster and easier…
With this, you’ll be able to easily and rapidly create hot selling products to your ever-growing fan base…
All in my easy 5 step formula:

  1.) Determine THIS (so you know *exactly* what type of authority answer is required)
 2.) Find the BEST site for your needs (immediately have the influencers at your fingertips)
 3.) Use this SECRET resource (this is gold right here)
 4.) Next consider this LOCAL trick (this is great for offline/local forums as well)
 5.) Move to ferreting out actual formats (think how knowledgeable you’ll appear when you can offer these!)

Covert Niche Authority transforms YOU Into The Top Selling Authority In Your Niche.
Covert Niche Authority will give you all the secrets the power marketers currently use (without you knowing about it, I might add) to gain expert status in your customers’ eyes and sell more products.
You know what that means, right?  When people believe you to be THE authority, YOU gain credibility.  You build a following.  You rise to the top among all of your competitors.
And when you are ready to make money from that, your credibility has already been established with no further effort of your own.

Let me share with you my thoughts about perceived authority.  This is what gets more people buying from you. In a nutshell – it’s getting people to view you as THE professional with all the answers.
But here’s the covert secret that you’ll hardly ever see…..
Perceived authority is VERY easy to create on your own.  
The more people think you’re the expert… the more trust they will have in your products.  
Honestly, it’s human nature; customers want to buy from people with more knowledge than they have.  They want to buy from  the experts.  
The authorities.  
The people who ALWAYS seem to have the answers. There’s only one thing that separates you from these experts.  They always follow a cookie-cutter approach to building their reputation online…. something that anyone can do.
Download The COMPLETE Roadmap To Becoming THE Best-Selling Authority in ANY Niche

The secret Google search tricks you can have at your fingertips will give you THE edge over your competitors and help you become THE go-to expert people will buy from.

I will prove to you how simple it is to make more sales.  You can be the first with the answers in your community, building your authority in any niche you choose. I know that a huge number of power marketers like to make this seem confusing or leave out pieces….

You will see that my trademark is making things simple.

It’s all here and it’s all waiting for you.

This opportunity reminds me of the old saying, Money Loves Speed. It does. And the ideas you’re about to learn give you another way to generate perceived authority from the people who count – those who are looking from the BEST person to buy from. You.
Becoming THE Authority of Choice Has Never Been Easier.

And because I pride myself on over-delivering, after you buy you will also receive this powerful:

This product of mine shows you how to take advantage of social news to always be the FIRST with products your audience craves. Being the first builds your authority *beautifully.* See, the more people trust you… the more they’ll click on your links and follow your recommendations. Smart marketers know that one of the best ways to become vendor of choice is to become THE Go-To Expert in whatever niche they’re trying to grow their bottom line.

And building Authority..that’s something for which I am known across the Internet. After all, you can check out my Facebook Authority Marketing group at Perking Up Profits:
Or my Authority Community at Virtual Coach:
As you can tell… I definitely walk the walk I talk. But wait…that’s not the only bonus you’ll be getting.   Covert Niche Authority give you the simple tips you can use to build your authority online. But! Why not go further? And for a limited time only, you’ll ALSO receive a complimentary seat to my free class:
Total no-brainer this is…. total no brainer!

When you click on the buy button below and download your power no-fluff PDF report (clocking in at 36 pages), you will see just how simple and easy building your personal authority online and making more money online can be. Learn now just how much you can gain.

So click on the buy button below and settle yourself down for a fun, enjoyable and profitable read. Your mind will be bursting with new ideas.

To say this product is underpriced for what you receive is quite the understatement.
Covert Niche Authority
And don’t forget…. reviews have been awesome!
“… I truly believe you can become an authority in whatever niche you’re focused on…”
dennis1“… I’ve had a chance to review Covert Niche Authority from Barbara Ling, and in a word, I am… impressed.
...She then shows you how to easily accomplish that in this compact, no-fluff, easy to read guide.  It doesn’t really matter what niche you’re in, or what country you’re from, or how much of an expert you think you are currently, if you follow the steps and suggestions outlined inside CNA, you can do this. Dennis Becker, Earn 1K A Day
“…Blown away. So many nuggets I picked up, they’re overwhelming me with excitement.
tiff“…Barb’s product is positioning us to position ourselves as leaders – the ones who always have the answers first. The right answers….specific in giving you her thinking strategy. LOVE this. She wakes up, sees something, and BOOM – leverages it.
This is one you flat out don’t miss out on! — Tiffany Lambert, 6 Figure Marketer
“…This is absolutely amazing – You make it so very simple. …

seanBarbara, I just finished reading this- this is absolutely amazing – You make it so very simple for someone to be able to position as #1 in their niche FAST!

I’ve been in this business for years – positioning as the #1 expert in my niche – and I’ve always done it the HARD way!

You’ve made this so simple, it’s a total no-brainer for someone to get this! I wish all my clients could read your incredible guide!”
  — Sean Mize, Veteran Marketer
“…Covert Niche Authority V2 totally rocks it!…

“…You showed me so many ways that I didn’t know to always have the right answer when asked questions in any niche that I now feel that I can locate ANY information or resources on the net…

….I’ve been online for 18 years now, knew of a lot of resources, etc., but your training really taught me a lot! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED  — Willie Crawford, Veteran Marketer
It took me all of 2 hours….
di“…Using that information I created a short report this morning to help people with a very specific problem. It took me all of 2 hours…used the techniques outlined in this report today and it helped me come up with an answer for someone that was the latest and most informative information.
Without a doubt, a stunning resource. Do not miss this. — Di Heuser, Secrets to Publishing A Book
“…she shares her amazing research secrets….”
val2“…Barb is a online research genius. She can find great info practically faster than you can type it and take a few breaths.
In this product, she shares her research secrets. They are amazing!
This material will help you grow your authority, create great content and products and more.  Fabulous!” — Val Hampson, Marketer
“…even a total newbie has a plan of action directed down the road of success.
lisa“…Covert Niche Authority amazed me.  The Blueprint Barb has put together is not ONLY comprehensive and extremely thorough; between this and her WF/ Profit Plan, even a total newbie has a plan of action directed down the road of success.
Excellent information, Barb!” – Lisa Gergets, IM Rockstar
“…You will be transformed into a big authority in any niche…
alessandro“…In 45 pages, Barb will transform you in a big authority, on any niche you are. You can turn your knowledge into cash, because people prefer to refer to an acknowledged person than searching elsewhere…” – Alessandro Zamboni, Product Creator 
…Opens your eyes to finding secret info in ways that never crossed your mind before…

jeffIf anybody is on the fence about buying this product, don’t hesitate any longer, just do it. It will open your eyes to finding info in ways that never crossed your mind before. And it’s easily laid out, in such a way that if you follow the instructions you could be engaging and taking action in no time.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand this. Which means that it’s also really great if you’re a newbie who’s looking to be an expert. It will show you exactly how to get the info you need to create your first product.” Jeff Gilbert, Author
This is FRESH.

This is UPDATED.

Nowhere else will you see these cutting edge ideas!


Your purchase is fully-covered by my 30-day, “No Hassles Guarantee.” Try out the strategies inside Covert Niche Authority for 30 days….show me the application of your efforts. And if I can’t show you how to improve it… I’ll gladly refund your money!

Now, a couple of things.

Do NOT buy this product if you are looking for a silver bullet that requires zero effort on your part. This product is NOT for marketers who refuse to make things happen! Go look for the latest infomercial for sneezing off the pounds if that is is desire.

But for those marketers who WANT to succeed but are only held back by missing a simple powerful blueprint….

Selling More and Becoming THE Authority Of Choice has NEVER been Easier.

So go ahead and pick up Covert Niche Authority . Don’t you deserve to stop spinning your wheels and dive into the proven blueprint that not only works… but is easy to duplicate again and again?

Download it now : it’s as easy as clicking on the buy button below. You’ll receive INSTANT access!
Covert Niche Authority

Imagine What Becoming THE Authority Of Choice Means….

Think about the benefits of Covert Niche Authority:
 You’ll become THE expert of choice in your chosen field
 You’ll always know where to go to find answers FAST
 You’ll sell more as more and more people marvel at how you’re always the first to know
 You’ll have at your fingertips powerful resources for ALL aspects of authority!
I’m excited that you’re going to discover how easy it is to sell more and become THE Authority of Choice.
It’s easy to follow (and remember, you’ll have all the how-tos for EVERYTHING regarding being the first with the latest news as well!).
Even if you’ve just starting out… you’ll find yourself eager to make it happen.
It’s so simple.
And now it’s never been easier to do.
Efficient. Effective. And again… Easy.
Isn’t this what you’ve always been dreaming making a living online could be? Well, stop dreaming now … because NOW, it’s waiting for you.
Just click on the Buy Button below and get ready to hold onto your socks…..
Because they’re about to go on the journey of a lifetime.
Covert Niche Authority

I can’t wait to hear your success stories! Looking forward to seeing you, “On the Inside.”


Barbara Ling
PPS: Reading is great fun! But remember, this is a spot for *action takers*.
Not solely dreamers who are lazy marketers…
But people like you who deserve success and building a better life for your family.
I’ve even given you a 30 day period to try out Covert Niche Authority! I’ll buy it back from you if it fails to deliver on anything it claims. So that can’t be what’s holding you back…
Perhaps… it’s simply easier to just NOT take action? But then …. you’ll still be in the same place.
Still wishing.
Still dreaming.
But NOT experiencing the success that is waiting for you.
What I’m charging here today is a teeny amount compared to what you stand to lose if you don’t make it easy for people to buy from you!
Remember…this offer is NOT going to be around forever….
If you are serious about your business and you are an action taker and you deserve to start seeing money flow into your Paypal account…. trust your gut on this and get Covert Niche Authority today.
Just click on the Buy button below… you’ll instantly be closer to the income you deserve.
Covert Niche Authority
Don’t forget…it’s also:
Newbie Friendly!
PPPS: Remember, it’s an instant download as well; in 30 seconds you could get your hands on these super-simple yet crazily effective techniques and begin seeing success head your way.
Want even more detailed explanations?
Covert Niche Authority is something *anyone* can implement.  Here’s Why…
Every niche has popular forums where hundreds if not 1000s if not tens of thousands of your future customers network.

We’re talking both IM and non-IM as well!

 Internet marketing


 Retail Sales

 Wood working

 Kindle writing

 Amazon marketing 


These forums are replete with customers who would choose YOU as the Expert of Choice. if only they knew about you and followed what you had to offer!

It’s common sense – most people would prefer to receive answers rather than research them themselves. 

So I don’t think I need to persuade you..

That taking advantage of becoming THE Go-To Expert in your niche makes a huge amount of sense.

Seriously, that’s pretty much a given, isn’t it?

But An Opportunity For Massive Frustration Can Arise

I know what you’re probably thinking right now.

It might be something along the lines of:

“Gee Barbara, that *sounds* good but I don’t even know how to find things online myself!”

And let me tell you, I can definitely relate to that. Until you give yourself permission to make it happen, chances are.. you could be stuck with: 
  • Analysis/Paralysis - What should I share first?
  • Lack of Confidence - Oh gee, but, I’m just. me, you know?
  • It Will Take Too Long! - Well.. won’t it?
  • I’m shy! - I need more self confidence!
Are you nodding your head now? I can sure relate – over the past few years I’ve faced the above and more square in the face!

And when you go over that huge entire laundry list of what’s stopping you, chances are, you say to yourself, “Why even bother? I can’t stand out from anyone and become the go-to expert because . well, it’s just beyond my reach.”

And nothing changes.

And you keep seeing other marketers online releasing more and more products and making sale after sale and you are still stuck in the same lousy rut.

It’s horrible, isn’t it?

You know that becoming THE Go-To Authority is a HUGE opportunity online.

But it all stays tantalizingly out of reach.


The sheer size of the your future customer base..

Yet, You Cannot Take Advantage Of It Without People TRUSTING Your Recommendations

Again. every day you’re slapped in the face with the successes from other marketers.

Allow me to let you in on a secret, aye?

There’s a reason why it all works *for them*.

The secret of successful marketers is in the secret sauce they share BEFORE they release their new product…

It’s not just *you* releasing something and BAMMO immediately the entire world flocks to your buy button!

It’s all about *you* proactively showing yourself to be the go-to authority in your niche.

Now, if you’re sitting here and thinking, “Umm Barbara, how on earth do I actually DO that?”.

I absolutely GET that.

After all, you might think that stepping up to the plate puts you in the limelight, right?

And That Requirement Would Stop You Dead In Your Tracks, Right?
  • Because if you never step into the limelight…
  • People will never know you exist.
  • Worse, they won’t trust you to be someone they can follow (would *you* follow a scared ghost?)!
  • But if they don’t trust and follow you..
  • They will ignore your new products or affiliate link recommendations..
  • Your income is 0.
Let me repeat that again.

Because if you never step into the limelight….
People will never know you exist.
Worse, they won’t trust you to be someone they can follow (would *you* follow a scared ghost?)!
But if they don’t trust and follow you..
And ignore your new products or affiliate link recommendations..
Your income is 0.

And it’s not like you have a huge amount of time to put all the pieces in place!

You just want to make money long term, right?

Well, the good news is..

As you’ve seen, I have made this a reality for you. I’ve created a simple blueprint that will take you by the hand and walk you through exactly *how* to become the Go-To Authority in your niche (any niche imaginable!)

Even if you are a newbie and are just starting out.  You simply follow:

Makes sense, right?

And the best part of this is:

The Secret to Authority is Right in Front of You This Minute

But I’ll bet you haven’t *ever* taken advantage of it!

Of course, I’m talking about becoming known as THE Go-To Expert in your niche. 


Let Me Walk You Through the Door of Opportunity—I’ll Hold it Open for You!

Check this out.. I’m a member of the Internet Marketing Warrior Forum and every day, I scout for questions other people can’t solve like so.

And you want to know how I always find the answers?

Answers like the below (Notice the free PDFs I point out that are available for no cost…)

It’s not JUST Google….. 

It’s The Free Advanced Search Features Hardly Anyone Knows About!

You see, here is a simple fact of life.
People *FEEL* More Secure Asking Authorities for Answers Instead of Searching for Themselves.

And these advanced Google Search Features make it easier than rewarding oneself with pure Belgian chocolate to uncover any answer imaginable!

The best thing about this is once you start doing what I will teach you…. perceptions about *you* start to change *immediately*.

Imagine the following….

 You’re right now part of the thundering herd in your niche. 

 You’ve started to learn the ropes in your niche.

 You’ve listened to the experts and understand their advice

 You suddenly realize YOU could make money in this niche… however, there’s a slight problem.

There’s 6,572 people ALREADY selling their products and services in this niche!

The realization crashes down on you like an out-of-control Mack truck… when it hits you, it flattens you completely. 
  • Will they buy from YOUR link?
  • Will they trust YOUR authority?


Hear those crickets chirping?

Heck No! They Won’t Trust or Buy from You Until You’ve Done the Following:

Unless you’ve already BECOME the authority in THEIR eyes.

There it is.

Plain. Simple.

Let’s focus on those bullet points!

 Trusting YOUR authority.

 Buying from YOUR link.

The plain fact is….

When People Trust YOUR Authority, They Buy From YOU!

Thing is, how do you compel that?
  • Do you keep shouting from the rooftops how smart you are? (Answer: No!)
  • Do you keep flinging your affiliate links all over the Internet in hopes someone actually clicks on them? (Answer: No!)
  • Do you try to buy lists and then promote affiliate offers day after day?? (Answer: No!)

The answer is even more obvious!

You simply put yourself *out there* and let the magic of social media take effect.

But even if you give yourself permission to do that, do you ever wonder:

“Isn’t this shameless self-promoting? How can I parlay this into bottom line profits anyway? Won’t it take too much time?”

and it gets to the point you don’t even start. I mean, why bother?

But then you realize the trusted experts in your niche are the people making the really BIG money—not the people who are unknown entities

It seems hopeless, doesn’t it?

Well, that’s about to change right *now*. Because…

Your future audience will *want* to buy from you….

Once they see the true long-term *value* you are ready to offer.
And THAT …. is what’s waiting for you now.

Covert Niche Authority
 PPPS – Remember, it’s newbie friendly too!  And as you’re covered by my guarantee…. you have every reason to gift yourself with these coveted secrets today.  But remember, it’s dimesale so price is rising with every sale!

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