
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tips to Job Interview Preparation for Garment Industry

Tips to Job Interview Preparation for Garment Industry Professionals

Having good technical knowledge has its own advantages. But at the same time, you need to prepare for other things. Like preparation for personal interview, knowing what to wear, showing confidence at the time of interview etc.

In this post I have written few tips for interview preparation. Read the following tips and do complete preparation for the next interview.
Image source: Flickr user bpsusf

#1. Speak Confidently 

Being confident at the time of job interview is very important to sell yourself to employers. Confidence will automatically be shown in your face if you have enough knowledge for the post you are applying. Don't fake if you are not expert in doing so. You might get caught, if tell lies during interview.

#2. Wear Formals

No employer will ask you what to wear and what to not. It is up to you. But best option is wearing formal clothes at the time of interview. Only wear clothes that you feel comfortable. Right and comfortable clothes will increase your confidence.

#3. Submit/Carry updated Resume

Keep your resume up to date with current mail id, contact number and address. Add your achievements in the resume. Write about your past work experiences and job profiles. Rewrite your job profile in the current resume based on the requirement of the employer. Don't add false name of companies where did not worked. Now-a-days, big companies check candidate profile through 3rd party verification.

If your resume is too big with list of experiences, add executive summary in the first page of your resume.

#4. Don't apply for all openings: 

When someone is in need to change a job, usually s/he applies for all kind of jobs. Don’t do that. It is waste of time of yours as well as employers. There are very few companies that might hire a wrong person. Only apply to the jobs that match with your profile and your passion.

In case you want to change your job profile completely, then it is okay. Apply for that. And prepare yourself accordingly. 

#5. Salary Expectation: 

At the time of salary discussion, you will be asked about your current salary (Cost to Company) and your expectation from them. Make your mind how much you expect from the new job. Don't just say what you expect but also sometime you need to tell that salary is negotiable.

#6. Social/Professional Network Profile: 

Keep your LinkedIn profile updated with work experiences and achievements. Many HR professionals check their candidate's profile in LinkedIn.

#7. Know about company background: 

Don't just rush for interview after getting a call. Do a brief research about the company. Know about company profile, how big it is, job security, job location etc. Learn about employer's expectation from you. If you know anybody who earlier worked in that company or if someone is working currently, take feedback from them.

#8. Prepare answers for Personal Interview Questions: 

In every personal interview (PI) more or less same set of questions are asked. Like,

- Why are you leaving current company?
- What difference can you make at this company?
- Tell us your core strength and weaknesses? Etc.

Search on the net for more PI questions. Prepare right answer that match with you for these questions. Even you can write answers for all PI questions. It will help you in preparation for further interviews.

What is next?

Now consider to prepare yourself for the technical interview. Do you have any idea what all questions are you going to be asked in technical interviews?
For Industrial engineers, I wrote a guide book for technical questions. You can consider buying OCS publication ''Industrial Engineering Guide to Job Interview Preparation". In this book you will get answers to frequently asked questions on Industrial Engineering topics. Or find list of industrial engineering questions here.

Merchandisers, please find list of published post here.
Quality Control candidates can find list of questions/articles on their topics here.

All the best wishes for your next interviews!

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